2.1 [Public]:
- Separated ZAAS from ZapAttack
- Fixed some minor bugs in amplifiers
- Ported amplifiers to Windows
- Removed multiples of some entries in port list
- Added info on what ports you're scanning and what you stopped
on in Port Scanner
- Added "Windoze" option to Port Scanner (more detail
in Read Me)
- Added timeout for Port Scanner
- Changed "Quick Scan" to "Simple Scan"
for clarification in Port Scanner
- Made some changes to Read Me
- Fixed minor floating-point error in amplifiers
- Made amplifiers wait when port could not be bound to/listened
- Added some other hacking tools' ports to port list
- Fixed error with newlines in amplifiers
- Added response messages to amplifiers for if you happen
to be telneting in, etc.
- Added a few more output messages to amplifiers
- Added flood protection to amplifiers
- Made amplifiers log the IP and port of the person who is
connecting to it
- Made the Clear button move in IP Resolver when window is
2.0 [Public] [Final]:
- Added IP Resolver window
- Added Port Checker window
- Added some nice error messages for when you try to scan
below 1, above 65535, etc. in Port Scanner
- Fixed bug with updating output in Port Scanner
- Fixed bug with completed scans in Port Scanner
- Made Port Scanner window resizable
- Made amplifiers stop any attacks if connection with user
is lost
- Fixed bug in Mass Connector for deallocation after communicating
with amplifier
- Fixed bug in amplifiers that stopped it from attacking a
second time
- Fixed error that stopped Mass Connector from communicating
with first amplifier
- Fixed deallocation bug in Mass Connector
- Added Look Up Ports feature to Port Scanner
- Removed logo at startup because it wasn't working on 10.2.8
for some people
- Changed some minor things for the Export option in Port
- Fixed ports/second bug in Port Scanner
- Fixed new mistake on port counting in Port Scanner
- Fixed deallocation bug in Port Scanner
- Added icon to project so it shows up in the about window,
dialog boxes, etc.
- Added message to Port Scanner output telling if the scan
was stopped by user
- Cleaned up a bit for final release
2.0a3 [Public]:
- Fixed mistake on port counting in Port Scanner
- Added Sockets option to the Port Scanner
- Fixed minor bug in clean up
- Cleans up and deallocates objects after attacks to conserve
- Allows you to customize what port the Amplifier runs on
(view Read Me for details)
- Put in a check to make sure all data is sent to amplifiers
(to reduce screw-ups)
- Made the default Stop At in every window 0
- Fixed bugs in the Port Flooder, UDP Flooder, and Port Scanner
that caused both the Stop and Attack (or Scan) buttons to
be disabled on a host lookup error
- ZapAttack now generates 1024 bytes (1 kB) of random data
if none is entered in
- Added a few notes to the Read Me that were unmentioned yet
may be helpful
- Fixed some recieving problems with the Amplification servers
- Added Amplification to Port Flooder (the new servers will
work with both the Port Flooder and Mass Connector)
- Made Mass Connector send data to Amplification servers
- Added "Stay open for" option to the Mass Connector
2.0a2 [Public]:
- Added "Amplifier Servers" feature to Mass Connector
(and separate amplifier server apps)
- Made the logo that shows on startup "push in"
when clicked
- Fixed bug in Port Scanner where it would not stop if completed
successfully, and stopped without "cleaning up"
if the user pressed the Stop button
- Fixed a Mass Connector bug which caused it not to finish
stopping sometimes
- Added "Connect every" option to the Mass Connector
- *Tried* to fix the Multi Flooder bug where if you scan too
many IPs/ports it will hang your computer, not sure if it
- Fixed UDP Flooder bug that caused it to be a SOCK_STREAM
instead of a SOCK_DGRAM
2.0a1 [Public]:
- Added Port Scanner
- Added Multi Flooder
- Made the logo that fire created show on startup
- Fixed parts of the Port Flooder
- Made the version history
2.0b1 [Public]:
- Initial public release