Fire (e-Mail)
One of the main founders of CowFight. Fire is CowFight's Webmaster, Lead Programmer (currently responsible for almost every Mac application supported here), and KDX Lead Server Administrator. Currently knowledgeable in C/C++, RealBasic, Objective-C, Javascript, HTML, VisualBasic, and QBasic, Fire is aspiring to learn many more programming languages and develop a lot of really cool stuff.

Kyint (e-Mail)
CowFight was his idea, now it's his reality. Founding it with Fire, Kyint has learned many things and has contributed a lot. He's responsible for all of CowFight's PoliceHockey movies and every writing work available. He currently is learning RealBasic and C++ and attends the same High School as Fire.

Duffman (e-Mail)
He has been using macs his whole life, ever since about 10, he wanted to program for them, not knowing how difficult it is, he finally archived his goal at 14, with RealBasic, and some help from friends. Now he is in High School, and loving every minute of it.

Caidoz (e-Mail)
Living in Australia and Fire-Twirling, Caidoz is an ex-Team2600 programmer, responsible for things such as PortMaster, the fastest port scanner around. We're waiting to see some excellent stuff from him.

Harv35t (e-Mail)
An experienced C/C++ programmer studying software development in college and creating applications for Cowfight.

Newton (e-Mail)
Newton is one of our newest members. He's living in Canada and has 1 and a half years of experience in web design. He is helping CowFight finally finish our site.