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ZapAttack And ZAAS Project
Current version: 2.1
Next version release on: ?
Development stage: Final
Supported platforms: MacOS X
Currently working on this project:
- Alpha Centauri (e-mail)

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ZapAttack is a speedy suite of DoS (Denial of Service) hacking tools used for "attacking" servers. It also has a few "informative" tools that can help you get info on the person you want to attack, etc.

• Mass Connector - allows you to quickly connect and reconnect to a single address and port, usually overwhelming the server and stopping further connections. There is also an "amplify" option which allows you to have a separate amplifying server on another computer, and then tell it to mass connect also, thus increasing the power of the attack.

• Port Flooder - allows you to maintain a single connection to a server, sending data packets over a long period of time. There is also an "amplify" option which allows you to have a separate amplifying server on another computer, and then tell it to flood also, thus increasing the power of the attack.

• Multi Flooder - connects to multiple IP addresses and ports, allowing you to have the effects of the Port Flooder at many places simultaneously or at one place on many ports trying to shut down a server computer.

• UDP Flooder - same as the Port Flooder, except it uses UDP and is therefore capable of much higher speeds. (note on this at end of file)

• Port Scanner - allows you to scan a single host and a range of ports for open ports.

• Port Checker - allows you to check a single host and a single port to see if it's open. Useful if you just scanned somebody and want to make sure the port is still open without scanning them all over again.

• IP Resolver - resolves IP addresses or hostnames. Press Enter with one of the fields selected to convert the IP/hostname.

• ZAAS - ZAAS (the ZapAttack Amplification Server) is what you put on a computer that you want to help the attack. There is a regular server which has a log window and runs visibly and also a hidden server which allows you to plant it on somebody's computer and make them take part in the attack. ;-) And just in case you happen to lose the connection with the amplifier and you aren't able to control the server anymore, ZAAS will automatically stop any attacks, making sure you have full control when you reconnect. A word of warning about the ports though: Even though they accept the Connect Every, Send Every, and Stay Connected options, they won't apply them. So this means those values will just be discarded. Also, since Windows doesn't support bundles, the RunOn file has to be separate from the app, but still in the same folder. ZAAS is a separate package available for download.